søndag den 29. januar 2012

Todays Spotify list !

I just wanted to show you my spotifys player list of today, hope you'll like it.

jeg fik lige lyst til at dele dagens spotify liste, håber i kan lide den !

Blow me a kiss :*

lørdag den 28. januar 2012

Adidas sneakers !

last time i was partying, i went SO drunk, that the next day when i was waking op, i was only wearing one shoe. cinderella ;)
-lucky for me, adidas is on sale at the moment, so i got crazy and bourgt not less than 2 pair of sneaker :i

sidste gang jeg var i byen, blev jeg SÅ skide stiv at jeg vandrede hjem og vågnede op dagen efter, kun med en sko på. gadens askepot ;)
-til mit held, er adidas på tilbud i øjeblikket. så jeg mistede forstanxden og købte ikke mindre end 2 par :i

superstar 2
pro conf 2


Blow me a kiss :*

onsdag den 25. januar 2012

Food Jewellery's !

jeg er faldet over en eminent nice idé til smykker. jeg ved ikke om nogen af jer har fulgt med i Paris hiltons new BFF? og husker Onch? han har for længst startet sit eget lille smukke mærke kaldet onch movement, som han sælger på nettet, og de er fucking awesome !

I stabbet over this awesome jewellery idea. i don't know, do any of you ever watch paris hiltins new BFF? and remember Onch? he has for a long time ago startet his own little jewellery brand called onch movement, were he sell his stuff on the internet, wich is AWESOME!
Image of The MEAT-LACEImage of MEAT-CUFF
her er min absolutte favorit! en kød halskæde og et kød armbånd.
inspireret a Lady GaGa's kødkjole!

this is absolutey my fav. meat necklace and meat cuffs, inspired by lady gagas meat dress !

Image of Mini Pizza SliceImage of Pink Whip Cream RingImage of Rainbow Scoop ConeImage of The Onch YELLOW Banana Image of The Bacon NecklaceImage of Onch Pretzels
Image of Pink Fried Chicken (Wing)Image of Giant Purple Onch PretzelImage of The Onch PINK Banana

especially the peaces that is NOT with little pink cute ice cream but nasty bananas and pink chicken fries !

Blow me a kiss  :*

mandag den 23. januar 2012

Barbie trash

I want this so bad. any who knows a place where I can buy one similar? 

lørdag den 21. januar 2012

glitter nails !

suuupp gurrls, my fabulously friend MIA haz zeh birthday today, she turns 18 <3

and we did our nails with glitter and sparkle <3 

Glittergun UND Mia
blow us kisses :*

fredag den 20. januar 2012

The music video styling.

Jeg er blevet statist for en musik video, for bandet ancient-momentum.
Min gode veninde tania, var make up artist på settet, og lagde denne syrede make up på os.

I'm  statist in a musicvideo for the band Ancient-momentum.
my great friends Tania, was the make up artist in the set, and styled us, with this crazy make up !

Glittergunn, blow me a kiss ;*

Pink ladies / boring friday !

hahahaha jeg tillod mig lige at hoppe ind i det norske magazine D! sammen med Kelly, Avril, Nicki, Paris, Audrey og Lily.. hahahha åh, det er fredag og jeg sidder og ser x-faktor og spiser kolde popcorn med min mor.. jeg må godt være plat !

hahahhahaha.. i allowed myself to cut my face in the norweigen magezine D! along with Kelly, Nicki, Avril, Paris, Audrey and lily... hahaha omg. it's fiday and im watching X-factor, eating cold pop-corns with mom.. i have to be silly !

blow me a kiss :*

hello sunshine !

look how much the sun was shining, while sittin on my ass in a classroom yesterday !

 ( well yes.. I take school very very serious ... or.. )

Blow me a  kiiss :*

Yayoi kusuma, brisbane !

In December, Brisbane Artist Yayoi Kusama created a pure white environment(like a blank canvas) were the children who visited the enviroment was given dot stickers to help decorate the empty white room.-it awesome, and would make you totally mad for one visit, i promise

.... were all mad here !

Glittergunn, blow me a kiss :*

Paul & joe's kitty collection

Du må efterhånden ha' fået en fornemmelse af, hvor meget jeg elsker katte.  og også pauls & joe's make up designs. jeg er lige faldet over en hel katte kollektion og jeg er fuldstændig solgt. cute cute puuurrr <3

you may have noticet that i LOVE kittys, and paul & joe's fabulous make up designs. I just stabbet over this kitty collection wich is horribel amezing, and i am already droolin'. cute cute puuurr <3

Glittergunn blow me a kiss :*

mandag den 2. januar 2012

gaga pink

hey guys, look what i found ;)
who does this reminds you off ♥

blow me a kiss :*

søndag den 1. januar 2012

Happy new year




Without saying a word <3

wish you all a wonderfull happy new year !
*kiss blown*